Do the phrases, “I can’t” or “boring” ring through the home of your 3rd or 4th grader? This age group is becoming self-aware, looking to please friends and others. This age group likes having some control. It may be time to offer more choices to allow them to feel more empowered. Is the shower the battle? The choice might be shower tonight or in the morning? Our children are showing us now how they learn best, are they hands on learners or do better over a book? Use their interests as a learning advantage. Project based learning might look something like this:
Is your child passionate about sea life? Introduce some new books on sea life, learn sea life vocabulary, scientific names for different sea creatures, history and geography of oceans and explorers, and word problems including sea life and vocabulary. Visit an aquarium virtually or in-person. Explore and learn how you can reduce waste in the ocean and have your child write down their ideas to conserve the world’s oceans.
What should my 3rd & 4th grade child be learning?
- Reading books, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension
- Critical Thinking
- English Composition, Grammar & Communication Skills
- Spelling, Handwriting, Vocabulary
- Math, Word Problems
- History, Geography, Science, Health
Brain Quest Workbooks are curriculum-based exercises and activities aligned with common core standards to supplement learning with a spirit of fun. Complement the workbook with our 3rd & 4th grade recommended line of products to assist parents in making learning from home not only educational, but fun!
The Power of Play: Pirate's Map Treasure Hunt
Use an old shoe box or grocery bag for the treasure chest. The kids can decorate the chests beforehand. Kids can play this solo or split into teams. If more than four kids, have a team inside and a team outside, treasure hunts in the snow can be fun! Draw a map with household objects on the maps to find clues to the treasure. The treasure can be an afternoon snack or we have plenty of fun little treasures to fill up your chest. After the kids find the treasure, they can work on making a map for you, their siblings or friends.
Find 200+ screen free activities for your 3rd or 4th grader in this new and exciting book designed to give you ideas and activities for 6-10 year olds.