Set five years before Episode IV: A New Hope, Disney and Lucasfilms’ Star Wars Rebels animated TV show focuses on a small band of heroes who engage in missions of sabotage and resistance against Imperial occupation (cue evil music here). And what better way to get to know these new characters than by learning to draw them?
This latest addition to our Star Wars book series is a how-to guide packed with expert tips, simple techniques, plenty of draw-right-in-the-book space, and translucent overlays to make you a master of drawing. Start with stick figures, move onto basic shapes, and finish up with the details. This sketchbook comes with everything you need, and we also include perhaps the most essential tool for any artist… an eraser. Because sometimes even a Jedi Master could use a do-over.
Comes with: 90 page book, 6 sheets of vellum tracing paper, mechanical pencil, black marker, 3 dual-tipped metallic colored pencils, block eraser
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